
Looking to improve your data skills using tools like R or Python? Want to learn more about working with a specific NEON data product? NEON develops online tutorials to help you improve your research. These self-paced tutorials are designed for you to used as standalone help on a single topic or as a series to learn new techniques.
Code for all script based tutorials can be downloaded at the end of the tutorial. Original files can also be found on GitHub.
All materials are freely available for you to use and reuse. We suggest the following citation for tutorials: [AUTHOR(S), NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network)]. Data Tutorial: [TUTORIAL NAME]. [URL] (accessed [DATE OF ACCESS]). See Citation Guidelines for examples, and for guidance in citing data and code.
About Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data
Access and Work with NEON Geolocation Data
Access NEON Data for Metagenomics
Assessing Spectrometer Accuracy using Validation Tarps with Python
Assignment: Reproducible Workflows with Jupyter Notebooks
Assignment: Version Control with GitHub
Basic R Skills
Build & Work With Functions in R
Calculate NDVI & Extract Spectra Using Masks in Python
Calculate Vegetation Biomass from LiDAR Data in Python
Classify a Lidar Raster in Python
Cleaning and Gap-Filling NEON Aquatic Instrument Data
Compare tree height measured from the ground to a Lidar-based Canopy Height Model
Convert to Julian Day
Create a Canopy Height Model from Lidar-derived rasters in R
Create a Hillshade from a Terrain Raster in Python
Create A Square Buffer Around a Plot Centroid in R
Create HDF5 Files in R Using Loops
Creating a Raster Stack from Hyperspectral Imagery in HDF5 Format in R
Data Activity: Visualize Palmer Drought Severity Index Data in R to Better Understand the 2013 Colorado Floods
Data Activity: Visualize Precipitation Data in R to Better Understand the 2013 Colorado Floods
Data Activity: Visualize Stream Discharge Data in R to Better Understand the 2013 Colorado Floods
Data Institute Activity: Calculate Index of Interest
Data Institute: Install Required R Packages
Data Management using National Ecological Observatory Network’s (NEON) Small Mammal Data with Accompanying Lesson on Mark Recapture Analysis |
Detecting changes in vegetation structure following fires using discrete-return LiDAR
Detecting Foggy Images using the hazer Package
Document & Publish Your Workflow: Jupyter Notebooks
Document & Publish Your Workflow: R Markdown & knitr
Document Code with R Markdown