Code Resources Submission Please use this form to submit NEON-related code resources. Submissions will be reviewed by NEON staff and added to the list on the Code Hub page. Before submitting code, please read the Code Resources Guidelines. Fields appended with a '*' are required. Your Name * Your Email Address * Your Email Address * Confirm Email Address * Title of Code Resource * Description * Short description of the code resource. Please include what it is and what it does, and specifically describe its functionality for NEON data. Is this a new submission or an update to an existing code resource? * This is a new submission This is an update to an existing code resource Web Link * Link to your code which must be publicly accessible online License * Please select the open license that your code is licensed under. - Select -Apache 2.0BSD 2-clause "simplified"BSD 3-clause "new" or "revised"CC-BYCC-BY-SACC0Eclipse PublicGNU Affero General Public v3.0GNU General Public v2.0GNU General Public v3.0GNU Lesser General Public v2.1GNU Lesser General Public v3.0MITMozilla PublicThe Unlicense Tier Level * - Select -Tier 1: Community contributed codeTier 2: NEON certified codeTier 3: NEON production code Coding Language * - Select -FortranJavaJavaScriptMATLAB languageOtherPythonR languageShell Data Products DP1.00001.001 | 2D wind speed and directionDP1.00002.001 | Single aspirated air temperatureDP1.00003.001 | Triple aspirated air temperatureDP1.00004.001 | Barometric pressureDP1.00005.001 | IR biological temperatureDP1.00006.001 | PrecipitationDP1.00007.001 | 3D wind speed, direction and sonic temperatureDP1.00010.001 | 3D wind attitude and motion referenceDP1.00013.001 | Wet deposition chemical analysisDP1.00014.001 | Shortwave radiation (direct and diffuse pyranometer)DP1.00017.001 | Dust and particulate size distributionDP1.00022.001 | Shortwave radiation (primary pyranometer)DP1.00023.001 | Shortwave and longwave radiation (net radiometer)DP1.00024.001 | Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)DP1.00030.001 | CH4 ConcentrationDP1.00033.001 | Phenology imagesDP1.00034.001 | CO2 concentration - turbulentDP1.00035.001 | H2O concentration - turbulentDP1.00036.001 | Atmospheric CO2 isotopesDP1.00037.001 | Atmospheric H2O isotopesDP1.00038.001 | Stable isotopes in precipitationDP1.00040.001 | Soil heat flux plateDP1.00041.001 | Soil temperatureDP1.00042.001 | Snow depth and understory phenology imagesDP1.00043.001 | Spectral sun photometer - calibrated sky radiancesDP1.00066.001 | Photosynthetically active radiation (quantum line)DP1.00094.001 | Soil water content and water salinityDP1.00095.001 | Soil CO2 concentrationDP1.00096.001 | Soil physical and chemical properties, MegapitDP1.00097.001 | Soil chemical properties (Megapit)DP1.00098.001 | Relative humidityDP1.00099.001 | CO2 concentration - storageDP1.00100.001 | H2O concentration - storageDP1.00101.001 | Particulate massDP1.10003.001 | Breeding landbird point countsDP1.10008.001 | Soil chemical properties, distributed initial characterizationDP1.10010.001 | Coarse downed wood log surveyDP1.10014.001 | Coarse downed wood bulk density samplingDP1.10017.001 | Digital hemispheric photos of plot vegetationDP1.10020.001 | Ground beetle sequences DNA barcodeDP1.10022.001 | Ground beetles sampled from pitfall trapsDP1.10023.001 | Herbaceous clip harvestDP1.10026.001 | Plant foliar traitsDP1.10031.001 | Litter chemical propertiesDP1.10033.001 | Litterfall and fine woody debris production and chemistryDP1.10038.001 | Mosquito sequences DNA barcodeDP1.10041.001 | Mosquito-borne pathogen statusDP1.10043.001 | Mosquitoes sampled from CO2 trapsDP1.10045.001 | Non-herbaceous perennial vegetation structureDP1.10047.001 | Soil physical and chemical properties, distributed initial characterizationDP1.10053.001 | Plant foliar stable isotopesDP1.10055.001 | Plant phenology observationsDP1.10058.001 | Plant presence and percent coverDP1.10064.001 | Rodent pathogen status, hantavirusDP1.10064.002 | Rodent pathogen status, tick-borneDP1.10066.001 | Root biomass and chemistry, MegapitDP1.10067.001 | Root biomass and chemistry, periodicDP1.10072.001 | Small mammal box trappingDP1.10076.001 | Small mammal sequences DNA barcodeDP1.10078.001 | Soil chemical properties, periodicDP1.10080.001 | Soil inorganic nitrogen pools and transformationsDP1.10081.001 | Soil microbe community compositionDP1.10086.001 | Soil physical and chemical properties, periodicDP1.10092.001 | Tick pathogen statusDP1.10093.001 | Ticks sampled using drag clothsDP1.10098.001 | Vegetation structureDP1.10099.001 | Root stable isotopesDP1.10100.001 | Soil stable isotopes, periodicDP1.10101.001 | Litter stable isotopesDP1.10102.001 | Root chemical propertiesDP1.10104.001 | Soil microbe biomassDP1.10107.001 | Soil microbe metagenome sequencesDP1.10108.001 | Soil microbe marker gene sequencesDP1.10109.001 | Soil microbe group abundancesDP1.10111.001 | Site management and event reportingDP1.20002.001 | Land-water interface imagesDP1.20004.001 | Barometric pressure above water on-buoyDP1.20008.001 | Specific conductivity of surface waterDP1.20015.001 | Specific conductivity in groundwaterDP1.20016.001 | Elevation of surface waterDP1.20032.001 | Shortwave and longwave radiation above water on-buoy (net radiometer)DP1.20033.001 | Nitrate in surface waterDP1.20042.001 | Photosynthetically active radiation at water surfaceDP1.20046.001 | Air temperature above water on-buoyDP1.20048.001 | Discharge field collectionDP1.20053.001 | Temperature (PRT) in surface waterDP1.20054.001 | Temperature (digital thermistor) of surface waterDP1.20055.001 | Water temperature and conductivity in lakes from subsurface moored array of sensorsDP1.20059.001 | Windspeed and direction above water on-buoyDP1.20063.001 | Aquatic plant bryophyte chemical propertiesDP1.20066.001 | Aquatic plant bryophyte macroalgae clip harvestDP1.20072.001 | Aquatic plant, bryophyte, lichen, and macroalgae point counts in wadeable streamsDP1.20086.001 | Benthic microbe community compositionDP1.20092.001 | Chemical properties of groundwaterDP1.20093.001 | Chemical properties of surface waterDP1.20097.001 | Dissolved gases in surface waterDP1.20099.001 | Groundwater and active layer measurements at permafrost sitesDP1.20100.001 | Elevation of groundwaterDP1.20105.001 | Fish sequences DNA barcodeDP1.20107.001 | Fish electrofishing, gill netting, and fyke netting countsDP1.20120.001 | Macroinvertebrate collectionDP1.20126.001 | Macroinvertebrate metabarcodingDP1.20138.001 | Surface water microbe cell countDP1.20141.001 | Surface water microbe community compositionDP1.20163.001 | Periphyton, seston, and phytoplankton chemical propertiesDP1.20166.001 | Periphyton, seston, and phytoplankton collectionDP1.20190.001 | Reaeration field and lab collectionDP1.20191.001 | Riparian vegetation % coverDP1.20193.001 | Salt-based stream dischargeDP1.20194.001 | Sediment chemical and physical propertiesDP1.20197.001 | Sediment physical propertiesDP1.20206.001 | Stable isotopes in surface waterDP1.20217.001 | Temperature of groundwaterDP1.20219.001 | Zooplankton collectionDP1.20221.001 | Zooplankton metabarcodingDP1.20252.001 | Secchi depthDP1.20254.001 | Depth profile at specific depthsDP1.20261.001 | Photosynthetically active radiation below water surfaceDP1.20264.001 | Temperature at specific depth in surface waterDP1.20267.001 | Gauge heightDP1.20271.001 | Relative humidity above water on-buoyDP1.20275.001 | Riparian composition and structureDP1.20276.001 | Stable isotopes in groundwaterDP1.20277.001 | Benthic microbe group abundancesDP1.20278.001 | Surface water microbe group abundancesDP1.20279.001 | Benthic microbe metagenome sequencesDP1.20280.001 | Benthic microbe marker gene sequencesDP1.20281.001 | Surface water microbe metagenome sequencesDP1.20282.001 | Surface water microbe marker gene sequencesDP1.20288.001 | Water qualityDP1.30001.001 | LiDAR slant range waveformDP1.30003.001 | Discrete return LiDAR point cloudDP1.30006.001 | Spectrometer orthorectified surface directional reflectance - flightlineDP1.30008.001 | Spectrometer orthrorectified at-sensor radiance - flightlineDP1.30010.001 | High-resolution orthorectified camera imageryDP1.30012.001 | Field spectral dataDP2.00004.001 | Temporally interpolated biological temperatureDP2.00005.001 | Temporally interpolated photosynthetically active radiationDP2.00006.001 | Temporally interpolated soil temperatureDP2.00008.001 | CO2 concentration rate of changeDP2.00009.001 | H2O concentration rate of changeDP2.00016.001 | Temporally interpolated PAR-lineDP2.00020.001 | Temporally interpolated shortwave and longwave radiation (net radiometer)DP2.00023.001 | Temporally interpolated triple aspirated tower temperatureDP2.00024.001 | Temperature rate of changeDP2.30011.001 | Albedo - spectrometer - flightlineDP2.30012.001 | LAI - spectrometer - flightlineDP2.30014.001 | fPAR - spectrometer - flightlineDP2.30016.001 | Total biomass map - spectrometer - flightlineDP2.30018.001 | Canopy nitrogen - flightlineDP2.30019.001 | Canopy water content - flightlineDP2.30020.001 | Canopy xanthophyll cycle - flightlineDP2.30022.001 | Canopy lignin - flightlineDP2.30026.001 | Vegetation indices - spectrometer - flightlineDP3.00008.001 | Temperature rate of change profileDP3.00009.001 | CO2 concentration rate of change profileDP3.00010.001 | H2O concentration rate of change profileDP3.30006.001 | Spectrometer orthorectified surface directional reflectance - mosaicDP3.30010.001 | High-resolution orthorectified camera imagery mosaicDP3.30011.001 | Albedo - spectrometer - mosaicDP3.30012.001 | LAI - spectrometer - mosaicDP3.30014.001 | fPAR - spectrometer - mosaicDP3.30015.001 | Ecosystem structureDP3.30016.001 | Total biomass map - spectrometer - mosaicDP3.30018.001 | Canopy nitrogen - mosaicDP3.30019.001 | Canopy water content - mosaicDP3.30020.001 | Canopy xanthophyll cycle - mosaicDP3.30022.001 | Canopy lignin - mosaicDP3.30024.001 | Elevation - LiDARDP3.30025.001 | Slope and Aspect - LiDARDP3.30026.001 | Vegetation indices - spectrometer - mosaicDP4.00001.001 | Summary weather statisticsDP4.00002.001 | Sensible heat fluxDP4.00007.001 | Momentum fluxDP4.00067.001 | Carbon dioxide fluxDP4.00130.001 | Continuous dischargeDP4.00131.001 | Stream morphology mapDP4.00132.001 | Bathymetric and morphological mapsDP4.00133.001 | Stage-discharge rating curvesDP4.00137.001 | Latent heat fluxDP4.00200.001 | Bundled data products - eddy covarianceDP4.00201.001 | Flux footprint characteristics Related NEON Collection System AIS (Aquatic Instrument System)AOP (Airborne Observation Platform)AOS (Aquatic Observation System)SAE (Surface Atmosphere Exchange)TIS (Terrestrial Instrument System)TOS (Terrestrial Observation System) What NEON file formats does your code work with? - None -CSVHDF5 (remote sensing)HDF5 (surface-atmosphere exchange)KML/KMZLAZPulseWavesTIFF