Observatory Blog Search by Title Filter Category Airborne Remote Sensing Aquatic Science & Data Automated Instruments Data Skills Data User Spotlight Events Field Notes Get Data Internships Meet the Domains Network Science Observational Sampling Opportunities Research & Publications Resource Highlights Science & Data Terrestrial Science & Data Women in STEM Interviews Observatory Update NEON Use Cases NEON in the News Collaborations Press Release NEON Receives Construction Funding from National Science Foundation, Slated to Begin Building Fall 2011 July 28, 2011 Scientists and decision makers will soon have access to information critical for understanding the effects of environmental change on a massive scale Behind the push for NEON July 28, 2011 Climate is changing rapidly and rates of climate change may well be more rapid than ecological systems can respond. This year’s 30-year climate A couple of research reviews June 22, 2011 While our ability to describe and predict environmental change has come a long way in the past 30 years, there’s still much to learn and discuss Comfort in Consistency: The Critical Job of NEON's Calibration and Validation Laboratory June 15, 2011 By Sandra Chung Deep inside the technical facility at NEON’s headquarters, test design engineer Guillermo Oviedo walks into a room with solid black NSF Director Visits NEON Headquarters June 7, 2011 NEON hosted a visit from Dr. Subra Suresh, the Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF), on Monday. Dr. Suresh and several colleagues also NEON Completes Successful Pre-Construction Review May 23, 2011 NEON has recently completed a Pre-Construction review conducted by an NSF-convened panel on April 4-6, 2011. During this review, the panel carefully A Primer on the NEON Sampling Design March 23, 2011 By Sandra Chung [Update August 2021: "Relocatable" sites are renamed "Gradient" sites .] For a nationwide, long-term study of climate and ecology NEON CEO Testifies to House Committee on Appropriations on Large Facility Funding, Funding for NSF March 14, 2011 On Friday, Dave Schimel presented testimony on the Obama Administration’s Fiscal Year 2012 request to Congress for NSF’s MREFC (Major Research Jewels with legs: The importance of bioarchives in studying the effects of climate change February 7, 2011 By Sandra Chung Core Sites Selected for the National Ecological Observatory Network January 28, 2011 February 28, 2007 An initial group of 20 candidate core sites across the United States has been selected. A technical review committee of NEON senior US Ecological Observatory Receives New NSF Funding January 24, 2011 The Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and representatives of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) have completed two NEON to Adopt Community Standards for Soil Microbe Samples November 18, 2010 NEON will adopt the "Minimum Information about an ENvironmental Sequence" (MIENS) specification for metadata associated with soil genomes. The MIENS NEON Completes New Prototype Site October 25, 2010 NEON has completed civil construction of its first production-grade prototype site, located near Sterling, Colorado. The site is located in an NEON shifting HQ to south Boulder, expects to be settled early Spring 2011 October 18, 2010 Boulder Daily Camera Denver Business Journal Prototyping Continued: Bridging the Gap From Land to Sky September 16, 2010 Prototyping events during the last three weeks have been integral to establishing a clear and consistent link between NEON organismal and airborne Grapes, Vines and Towers: A Look at the Engineering Behind a NEON Site September 9, 2010 If you view the elements of a NEON site in isolation, they’re pretty simple. NEON’s plans to build its 62 sites don’t call for brand new inventions or Best laid plans: Prototyping NEON's airborne remote sensing technologies August 27, 2010 It’s late in the evening and I find myself staring at a weather map of Gainesville, Florida watching green and red blobs move across the computer NEON in Prototype June 22, 2010 We've completed the reviews, written the documents, and the last item on our planning agenda is to await FY2011 Congressional budget approval for NSF In choosing taxa for the continental scale June 16, 2010 Over my past two and a half years at NEON, there is one question that I have been asked more than any other: Why is NEON not studying *--insert taxon NEON Clears Important Hurdle, Awaits Construction Money May 7, 2010 The National Science Board (NSB), governing body of the National Science Foundation (NSF), has authorized the NSF Director, at his discretion, to make USGS Colloquium: Dave Schimel on "The Design of NEON and the Future of Ecological Forecasting" March 11, 2010 Dave Schimel presented a webcasted talk at the USGS campus in Menlo Park, CA on Feb 8, 2010, called "The Design of NEON and the Future of Ecological NEON Data to be Used by New National Climate Service March 10, 2010 On February 8, the US Commerce Department announced its proposal for a new national climate service to be managed by the National Oceanic and Success for NEON: A $433M Slot in Obama’s Budget Plans February 2, 2010 NEON staff and colleagues celebrated a major achievement on Monday when the Obama Administration’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 budget request to Congress Finding of No Significant Impact on NEON Environmental Assessment December 15, 2009 In Fall 2009 NSF prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) that evaluated the potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts associated with Dr. Jim Collins on NEON: Are you ready? October 14, 2009 In this presentation, Dr. James P. Collins presented a compelling vision for how NEON fits into US plans to address environmental challenges in the Blue Ribbon Review Panel Reports on the NEON Observatory Design March 24, 2009 In February 2009, a review team led by Dr. Alan P. Covich completed a rigorous assessment of NEON's science implementation plan and scientific scope NEON Concludes Site Assessments November 2, 2008 Science staff from the National Ecological Observatory Network have now completed detailed site assessments of all 20 candidate core sites chosen for Pagination First page Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Current page 14
NEON Receives Construction Funding from National Science Foundation, Slated to Begin Building Fall 2011 July 28, 2011 Scientists and decision makers will soon have access to information critical for understanding the effects of environmental change on a massive scale
Behind the push for NEON July 28, 2011 Climate is changing rapidly and rates of climate change may well be more rapid than ecological systems can respond. This year’s 30-year climate
A couple of research reviews June 22, 2011 While our ability to describe and predict environmental change has come a long way in the past 30 years, there’s still much to learn and discuss
Comfort in Consistency: The Critical Job of NEON's Calibration and Validation Laboratory June 15, 2011 By Sandra Chung Deep inside the technical facility at NEON’s headquarters, test design engineer Guillermo Oviedo walks into a room with solid black
NSF Director Visits NEON Headquarters June 7, 2011 NEON hosted a visit from Dr. Subra Suresh, the Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF), on Monday. Dr. Suresh and several colleagues also
NEON Completes Successful Pre-Construction Review May 23, 2011 NEON has recently completed a Pre-Construction review conducted by an NSF-convened panel on April 4-6, 2011. During this review, the panel carefully
A Primer on the NEON Sampling Design March 23, 2011 By Sandra Chung [Update August 2021: "Relocatable" sites are renamed "Gradient" sites .] For a nationwide, long-term study of climate and ecology
NEON CEO Testifies to House Committee on Appropriations on Large Facility Funding, Funding for NSF March 14, 2011 On Friday, Dave Schimel presented testimony on the Obama Administration’s Fiscal Year 2012 request to Congress for NSF’s MREFC (Major Research
Jewels with legs: The importance of bioarchives in studying the effects of climate change February 7, 2011 By Sandra Chung
Core Sites Selected for the National Ecological Observatory Network January 28, 2011 February 28, 2007 An initial group of 20 candidate core sites across the United States has been selected. A technical review committee of NEON senior
US Ecological Observatory Receives New NSF Funding January 24, 2011 The Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and representatives of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) have completed two
NEON to Adopt Community Standards for Soil Microbe Samples November 18, 2010 NEON will adopt the "Minimum Information about an ENvironmental Sequence" (MIENS) specification for metadata associated with soil genomes. The MIENS
NEON Completes New Prototype Site October 25, 2010 NEON has completed civil construction of its first production-grade prototype site, located near Sterling, Colorado. The site is located in an
NEON shifting HQ to south Boulder, expects to be settled early Spring 2011 October 18, 2010 Boulder Daily Camera Denver Business Journal
Prototyping Continued: Bridging the Gap From Land to Sky September 16, 2010 Prototyping events during the last three weeks have been integral to establishing a clear and consistent link between NEON organismal and airborne
Grapes, Vines and Towers: A Look at the Engineering Behind a NEON Site September 9, 2010 If you view the elements of a NEON site in isolation, they’re pretty simple. NEON’s plans to build its 62 sites don’t call for brand new inventions or
Best laid plans: Prototyping NEON's airborne remote sensing technologies August 27, 2010 It’s late in the evening and I find myself staring at a weather map of Gainesville, Florida watching green and red blobs move across the computer
NEON in Prototype June 22, 2010 We've completed the reviews, written the documents, and the last item on our planning agenda is to await FY2011 Congressional budget approval for NSF
In choosing taxa for the continental scale June 16, 2010 Over my past two and a half years at NEON, there is one question that I have been asked more than any other: Why is NEON not studying *--insert taxon
NEON Clears Important Hurdle, Awaits Construction Money May 7, 2010 The National Science Board (NSB), governing body of the National Science Foundation (NSF), has authorized the NSF Director, at his discretion, to make
USGS Colloquium: Dave Schimel on "The Design of NEON and the Future of Ecological Forecasting" March 11, 2010 Dave Schimel presented a webcasted talk at the USGS campus in Menlo Park, CA on Feb 8, 2010, called "The Design of NEON and the Future of Ecological
NEON Data to be Used by New National Climate Service March 10, 2010 On February 8, the US Commerce Department announced its proposal for a new national climate service to be managed by the National Oceanic and
Success for NEON: A $433M Slot in Obama’s Budget Plans February 2, 2010 NEON staff and colleagues celebrated a major achievement on Monday when the Obama Administration’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 budget request to Congress
Finding of No Significant Impact on NEON Environmental Assessment December 15, 2009 In Fall 2009 NSF prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) that evaluated the potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts associated with
Dr. Jim Collins on NEON: Are you ready? October 14, 2009 In this presentation, Dr. James P. Collins presented a compelling vision for how NEON fits into US plans to address environmental challenges in the
Blue Ribbon Review Panel Reports on the NEON Observatory Design March 24, 2009 In February 2009, a review team led by Dr. Alan P. Covich completed a rigorous assessment of NEON's science implementation plan and scientific scope
NEON Concludes Site Assessments November 2, 2008 Science staff from the National Ecological Observatory Network have now completed detailed site assessments of all 20 candidate core sites chosen for