Observatory Blog Search by Title Filter Category Airborne Remote Sensing Aquatic Science & Data Automated Instruments Data Skills Data User Spotlight Events Field Notes Get Data Internships Meet the Domains Network Science Observational Sampling Opportunities Research & Publications Resource Highlights Science & Data Terrestrial Science & Data Women in STEM Interviews Observatory Update NEON Use Cases NEON in the News Collaborations Press Release NEON and TERN Sign Interoperability and Collaboration Agreement May 24, 2013 NEON and the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) signed a memorandum of understanding in mid-May 2013. The MOU is a written agreement to An engineer and a scientist walks into a lab ... April 17, 2013 By Janae Csavina My job as the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Scientist in the Calibration, Validation and Audit Laboratory (CVAL) at the NEON Health diagnostics for the planet April 2, 2013 A couple of weeks ago, my wife took our daughter to the doctor. After he had heard the symptoms my daughter had been experiencing, the doctor Groundwork in the snow for measurements in the wind March 21, 2013 It was January 2013 in Toolik, Alaska, about 160 miles north of the Arctic Circle, and the temperature was minus 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Jeff Taylor Tracking isotopes to illuminate Nature's grand recycling program January 22, 2013 By David Hoekman dead zones in marine systems far from the original field. Before becoming the insect ecologist at NEON, I worked on a project Mývatn Bridging the Data Divide Down Under December 11, 2012 Scientists of the future may be able to compare the spread of invasive species in the northeastern U.S. with invasive species proliferation throughout Combining Data with Models to Bring Continental Scale to Ecology December 4, 2012 By Sandra Chung It’s July 2012, and NEON Data Products Scientist Andy Fox is teaching summer school 9,500 feet above sea level. He is explaining data A NEON postcard from the Arctic to the New York Times November 26, 2012 The New York Times Dot Earth blog featured a "Postcard" from our very own scientists and blog contributors Jeff Taylor and Mike SanClements. As you The NEON Mobile Deployment Platform: Help Design a Tool to Advance Your Research November 15, 2012 Wildfire, floods, drought and insect outbreaks. These and other disturbances all have the potential to affect ecosystem health and function and alter Samples, Shoots and Leaves at Harvard Forest October 31, 2012 terrestrial ecologists and the Airborne Observation Platform (AOP). The combined ground- and airborne-based efforts will create one of NEON’s first Big Data Part III: Other People's Data October 4, 2012 One afternoon in March 2012, a casually dressed crowd of more than 60 researchers crammed themselves into the largest room at NEON headquarters in Building a community that thrives online, offline and after the meeting September 7, 2012 By Sandra Chung Wordles of all tweets to the #ESA2012 hashtag from (left to right) Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the meeting week. Word size Big Data Part II: Sharing the Challenges and Payoffs of Big Data September 5, 2012 Part II: Sharing the Challenges and Payoffs of Big Data By Brian Wee, Chief of External Affairs Big Data is not new to the science world. But to NEON Undertakes its First Natural Disaster Response to Colorado’s High Park Wildfire August 21, 2012 In the largest study of its kind, NEON will collaborate with Colorado State University to provide airborne remote sensing data to study devastating New York Now! features NEON's work at Harvard Forest, MA August 20, 2012 Earlier this month, while most of NEON's science staff was soaking up the science at the Ecological Society of America's Annual Meeting in Portland Big Data Part I: The "Big" in Ecological Big Data July 30, 2012 Big Data has already altered the way scientists view, study, and analyze the world, and appears poised to change the fields of ecology and Creating a digital menagerie June 29, 2012 NEON technicians will collect and identify countless insect specimens over the lifetime of the observatory. To put it into perspective, during a short Learning on the fly June 19, 2012 By M. Johnson I got a little nervous as I watched the first group of people disembarking the plane and saw one of my AOP team members carrying two NEON Breaks Ground June 18, 2012 NEON broke ground on its first two sites this week, marking the official start of observatory construction. To commemorate this historic moment, NEON Reflections on remote sensing, ecology and the NEON AOP June 15, 2012 By Leah Wasser A few summers ago, I spent my time in the field hugging trees. While I’ve been called a hippie in the past, this was hardly hippie Full Airborne Observation Platform Embarks on Inaugural Journey May 2, 2012 NEON's Airborne Observation Platform (AOP) will depart on its inaugural test flights out of the Grand Junction Regional Airport starting this Sunday Windows into unseen waters April 24, 2012 By Michael Fitzgerald For most people, water is just something that comes out of a faucet in their house. We pay little attention to how it gets there Macrosystems Biology: How to share, manage and cite big data and team science? April 12, 2012 By Dr. Dave Schimel Last month, I participated in the first Principal Investigator meeting of NSF’s new Macrosystems Biology program . The NSF Using long-term data sets to trace the impacts of environmental policy March 28, 2012 By Michael SanClements Just before I became a staff scientist at NEON, I and colleagues from the University of Colorado , Environmental Protection Dr. Taylor goes to Washington February 16, 2012 By Jeff Taylor I stare intently at the Senior Congressional Legislative Assistant seated opposite me. He stares back, his eyes equally intent. I wet Constructing the NEON user facility to support projects large and small February 13, 2012 In just under four months, civil construction will begin at the first NEON site . The timing couldn’t be better. Ecosystems are increasingly stressed NEON to Begin Construction on First Three Sites February 13, 2012 NEON will break ground on three sites starting early Summer 2012: Ordway-Swisher Biological Station in Florida, Harvard Forest in Massachusetts, and Tracking a million trillion trillion unseen lives, with help December 12, 2011 By Jacob Parnell Even after more than a decade of working with microbes, I still find it amazing that more than 99% of the biodiversity on Earth is NASA Technology to Buoy NEON Airborne Observations November 28, 2011 NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has completed the first of three high fidelity imaging spectrometers for use on the NEON project, known as the NEON and LTER: Two complementary networks for ecological research November 18, 2011 The Long-term Ecological Research Network (LTER) and NEON are highly complementary networks that support ecological research in different ways, but Pagination First page Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Current page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Next page Last page
NEON and TERN Sign Interoperability and Collaboration Agreement May 24, 2013 NEON and the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) signed a memorandum of understanding in mid-May 2013. The MOU is a written agreement to
An engineer and a scientist walks into a lab ... April 17, 2013 By Janae Csavina My job as the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Scientist in the Calibration, Validation and Audit Laboratory (CVAL) at the NEON
Health diagnostics for the planet April 2, 2013 A couple of weeks ago, my wife took our daughter to the doctor. After he had heard the symptoms my daughter had been experiencing, the doctor
Groundwork in the snow for measurements in the wind March 21, 2013 It was January 2013 in Toolik, Alaska, about 160 miles north of the Arctic Circle, and the temperature was minus 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Jeff Taylor
Tracking isotopes to illuminate Nature's grand recycling program January 22, 2013 By David Hoekman dead zones in marine systems far from the original field. Before becoming the insect ecologist at NEON, I worked on a project Mývatn
Bridging the Data Divide Down Under December 11, 2012 Scientists of the future may be able to compare the spread of invasive species in the northeastern U.S. with invasive species proliferation throughout
Combining Data with Models to Bring Continental Scale to Ecology December 4, 2012 By Sandra Chung It’s July 2012, and NEON Data Products Scientist Andy Fox is teaching summer school 9,500 feet above sea level. He is explaining data
A NEON postcard from the Arctic to the New York Times November 26, 2012 The New York Times Dot Earth blog featured a "Postcard" from our very own scientists and blog contributors Jeff Taylor and Mike SanClements. As you
The NEON Mobile Deployment Platform: Help Design a Tool to Advance Your Research November 15, 2012 Wildfire, floods, drought and insect outbreaks. These and other disturbances all have the potential to affect ecosystem health and function and alter
Samples, Shoots and Leaves at Harvard Forest October 31, 2012 terrestrial ecologists and the Airborne Observation Platform (AOP). The combined ground- and airborne-based efforts will create one of NEON’s first
Big Data Part III: Other People's Data October 4, 2012 One afternoon in March 2012, a casually dressed crowd of more than 60 researchers crammed themselves into the largest room at NEON headquarters in
Building a community that thrives online, offline and after the meeting September 7, 2012 By Sandra Chung Wordles of all tweets to the #ESA2012 hashtag from (left to right) Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the meeting week. Word size
Big Data Part II: Sharing the Challenges and Payoffs of Big Data September 5, 2012 Part II: Sharing the Challenges and Payoffs of Big Data By Brian Wee, Chief of External Affairs Big Data is not new to the science world. But to
NEON Undertakes its First Natural Disaster Response to Colorado’s High Park Wildfire August 21, 2012 In the largest study of its kind, NEON will collaborate with Colorado State University to provide airborne remote sensing data to study devastating
New York Now! features NEON's work at Harvard Forest, MA August 20, 2012 Earlier this month, while most of NEON's science staff was soaking up the science at the Ecological Society of America's Annual Meeting in Portland
Big Data Part I: The "Big" in Ecological Big Data July 30, 2012 Big Data has already altered the way scientists view, study, and analyze the world, and appears poised to change the fields of ecology and
Creating a digital menagerie June 29, 2012 NEON technicians will collect and identify countless insect specimens over the lifetime of the observatory. To put it into perspective, during a short
Learning on the fly June 19, 2012 By M. Johnson I got a little nervous as I watched the first group of people disembarking the plane and saw one of my AOP team members carrying two
NEON Breaks Ground June 18, 2012 NEON broke ground on its first two sites this week, marking the official start of observatory construction. To commemorate this historic moment, NEON
Reflections on remote sensing, ecology and the NEON AOP June 15, 2012 By Leah Wasser A few summers ago, I spent my time in the field hugging trees. While I’ve been called a hippie in the past, this was hardly hippie
Full Airborne Observation Platform Embarks on Inaugural Journey May 2, 2012 NEON's Airborne Observation Platform (AOP) will depart on its inaugural test flights out of the Grand Junction Regional Airport starting this Sunday
Windows into unseen waters April 24, 2012 By Michael Fitzgerald For most people, water is just something that comes out of a faucet in their house. We pay little attention to how it gets there
Macrosystems Biology: How to share, manage and cite big data and team science? April 12, 2012 By Dr. Dave Schimel Last month, I participated in the first Principal Investigator meeting of NSF’s new Macrosystems Biology program . The NSF
Using long-term data sets to trace the impacts of environmental policy March 28, 2012 By Michael SanClements Just before I became a staff scientist at NEON, I and colleagues from the University of Colorado , Environmental Protection
Dr. Taylor goes to Washington February 16, 2012 By Jeff Taylor I stare intently at the Senior Congressional Legislative Assistant seated opposite me. He stares back, his eyes equally intent. I wet
Constructing the NEON user facility to support projects large and small February 13, 2012 In just under four months, civil construction will begin at the first NEON site . The timing couldn’t be better. Ecosystems are increasingly stressed
NEON to Begin Construction on First Three Sites February 13, 2012 NEON will break ground on three sites starting early Summer 2012: Ordway-Swisher Biological Station in Florida, Harvard Forest in Massachusetts, and
Tracking a million trillion trillion unseen lives, with help December 12, 2011 By Jacob Parnell Even after more than a decade of working with microbes, I still find it amazing that more than 99% of the biodiversity on Earth is
NASA Technology to Buoy NEON Airborne Observations November 28, 2011 NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has completed the first of three high fidelity imaging spectrometers for use on the NEON project, known as the
NEON and LTER: Two complementary networks for ecological research November 18, 2011 The Long-term Ecological Research Network (LTER) and NEON are highly complementary networks that support ecological research in different ways, but