Teresa Burlingame

Data Scientist



Contact Info

About Teresa

Teresa Burlingame works for the NEON Science Team, primarily working with the Terrestrial Instrumentation System (TIS). Teresa started her career at NEON in 2014 working as a seasonal technician in Domain 03 – Southeast. There she advanced to work as a field ecologist specializing in terrestrial instrumentation. In 2017 she transferred to Domain 16 – Pacific Northwest, continuing to grow as a field ecologist specializing in both terrestrial and aquatic instrumentation. In 2019 she started her current role with the NEON Science team where she is primarily focused on data quality and monitoring of a suite of meteorology and atmospheric deposition data products. Her work involves multi-department coordination to ensure consistent and accurate data flow to the NEON Data Portal. Teresa earned her M.S. in Data Analytics from Oregon State University and graduated cum laude with dual B.S. degrees in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation and Biology from the University of Florida.

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Affiliation / Org:

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)