Emily Bernhardt

STEAC Member

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About Emily

Dr. Emily S. Bernhardt is the James B. Duke Professor of biogeochemistry in Duke’s Department of Biology. Bernhardt’s research is motivated by a desire to understand how our use of watersheds alters energy and nutrient cycling in receiving streams and wetlands and the extent to which management efforts can reverse, ameliorate or improve aquatic ecosystem structure and function. She has been recognized for her scholarly productivity and impact with the 2004 H.G. Hynes Award from the Society for Freshwater Science; the 2013 Yentsch-Schindler award from the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography; the 2015 Mercer Award from the Ecological Society of America; and a 2015 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. She is a Leopold Leadership Fellow and a Fellow of the Ecological Society of America and of the Society for Freshwater Science.

Bernhardt's research group website https://bernhardtlab.weebly.com/